Getting Started

The first step in building a new house is applying and receiving your septic system permit. It is needed in most cases to apply for a fire number or a building permit. The first step is to have a soil test done on your property. This will tell you what type of septic system you will need. Once that has been done a design is needed. This is a "blue print" of your septic system. It will explain what type of septic system you will need. It will show where on the property it will go as well as the other buildings and features. It will break down the whole system from the tank to the drain field and all the materials that will be used. Once the design is done the State (if needed) or county application can be filled out and with the design and check can be submitted for the permit. Once the State or County returns the permit we can begin to prep and install your septic system. We will work with your builder or needed sub contractors to install the system. Once the system is installed we will call the county inspector to have your septic system inspected.

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